Welcome to Year Five
We strive to create a happy classroom where everyone can achieve, learn and enjoy themselves! On this page, you will find information about our current units of learning, homework, PE requirements and key information.
Meet the Teaching Staff
This year, our fantastic Year 5 cohort are being taught by two teachers (Miss Hands and Miss Oliver). Also, we are lucky enough to work alongside our wonderful teaching assistants, Mrs Knowles, Miss Smith and Mrs Sorrell! The children will also have P.E with Mr Kirkwood on a Thursday, and Mrs Willis will be teaching French and Music! Please read through the information below to familiarise yourself with Year 5 expectations here at KEPS.
If you have any questions regarding anything Year 5 related, then please do not hesitate to contact Miss Oliver and Miss Hands via their school email accounts:
- Each Friday, the children will be set their spellings as an assignment on Teams. Then, the following Friday they will be tested on these. These Y5/6 spelling words are tricky so we highly encourage them to practice as much as possible.
- Each week, an added extra is added to the following learning platforms ‘DoodleMaths’, ‘DoodleEnglish’ and ‘DoodleSpell’ (free apps). These questions will be revision for the children as we set them based on what we have covered that week in the classroom. We monitor which children have completed these and encourage as many children as possible to keep themselves in the ‘green zone’. If your child’s login is not working for any reason then please get in touch.
- Our homework bingo tasks are due in the final Monday of each half-term and the children can do one or as many projects as they want. We would like to see, over a 6 week period, at least two pieces of homework completed!
- Times Tables Rock Stars (internet platform) and ‘Purple Mash’ (internet), which are great fun and really help our Year 5’s push on.
In addition, to continue with the great work that happened during previous lockdowns, we will be using Microsoft TEAMs to put out important notices and information, share photos of homework and also to ensure we can always be on hand to communicate with our wonderful year 5’s.
The word-lists for years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 are statutory. The lists are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell. Some of the listed words may be thought of as quite challenging, but the 100 words in each list can easily be taught within the four years of key stage 2 alongside other words that teachers consider appropriate. Below are the 100 words for years 5 and 6. It would be useful for children to learn the spellings of these words, but also know the meaning of the words i.e can the children write each word in a sentence?
Year 5 Units of Learning
During year 5, we explore some interesting and thought proving units of learning. Starting with our Autumn 1 History unit answering the question
How did Britain change between the end of the Roman occupation and 1066? The children also build their very own Viking longhouses during DT.
In Autumn 2, we then discover the meaning of Fairtrade and why should it matter to all of us in Geography. In Spring 1, we continue with Geography by focusing on immigration. Typically looking at why people decide to resettle in different countries. Linking this with our Art, studying famous artist, Andy Warhol.
In Spring 2, we go back in time with our History focus, studying the question
Why were the Ancient Mayans the envy of the world? Focusing on what was happening in Britain during this time, looking at the similarities and differences between the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, plus, looking at the first ever football match invented! Pok-to-Pok! Year 5 also get to design and create their very own Mayan headdress!
Now to Summer 1, in Geography studying the main features of South America and Brazil in particular. Creating a Brazilian montage in Art too, focusing on colour, carnivals and culture!
Finally, we end year 5 by learning about the history of slavery with a focus on artist Kwame Akato Bamfo, creating our own 3D sculptures inspired by his work.
School Diary
Again this year, pupils will be receiving a new school diary. This will be complete with important school information and can be used as a point of contact between parents and teachers. These diaries will be checked on a weekly basis. It is therefore the children’s responsibility to have them in school every day. Please feel free to comment on the reading children are doing at home. We encourage all parents to make a note of children’s reading as prizes will be awarded at the end of each half-term.
Reading is Fundamental. In fact, it is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be.
Reading develops the brain, provides a window into the world around you and helps you do better in all school subjects. We recommend that children are heard for at least fifteen minutes each night and notes to be made in their planners.
Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.
In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.
Physical Education (P.E)
P.E Will be every Thursday morning for all Year 5 pupils. We are very privileged to have Mr Kirkwood, a professional Sports Coach to take the P.E this year and we look forward to learning new skills and participating in Sainsbury School Games Festivals. We ask the children to bring fleeces and jogging trousers as well as outdoor footwear (if required during the colder months of the year), as the children will have an indoor and an outdoor session each week. Your child’s P.E kit should include:
- White T-shirt with logo
- Navy shorts (indoor PE)
- Plimsolls/trainers
- Navy or black tracksuit top and bottoms (for colder weather)
If children fail to bring a P.E kit, a phone call home will be made. Also, earrings must be taken out for P.E sessions.
Thanks for your continuing support and co-operation.
Additional Information
As teachers, we know that what may seem a little problem to an adult, can be a massive problem to a child – so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns, we are here to help in the best way we can! If you have any questions regarding how you can help your child at home, please speak to their class teacher who will be able to provide information, resources and further support. We appreciate the extra work towards their education at home. We look forward to continuing to work with you and your child during such an amazing year, YEAR 5!
Walesby Forest is this years residential destination! We will be staying for 1 night (Thursday 15th May – Friday 16th May 2025) Walesby is the perfect outdoor adventure centre for primary school groups, large or small, seeking an escape to the country. Just ten minutes away from KEPS, there’s acres of space for your pupils to enjoy, packed full of adventure activities on both land and water. For some high adrenalin action, your pupils will love a climb up the super high Jacob’s Ladder. Why not test their head for heights on the giant swing? And if our children fancy getting wet, well there’s water sports available out on the lake too! Whatever the challenge, the experienced instructors at Walesby will help each individual reach further and achieve more.