PP Strategy: 2023 – 2024
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families.
Funding is based on children who:
- have registered for a FSM at any point in the last 6 years, but does NOT include Universal Free School Meals for children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.
- children with parents in the armed forces.
Pupil Premium Plus is funding that is allocated to school for children who are in care or adopted.
Why has it been introduced?
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children in the eligible groups and their peers. The funding is designed to be used to tackle disadvantage for the pupils who need it the most. Statistically, Free School Meal data gives an indication of where deprivation is likely to be present. However, there is no assumption that all Pupil Premium children find learning difficult nor that all children who find learning difficult are Pupil Premium.
How can it be spent?
As a school we can decide how to spend the Pupil Premium for the benefit of our children. However, we will be held to account on how we have used this funding and the impact that it has had. Guidance has been given by the Government on strategies which could be used to improve pupil’s progress and attainment. We have taken this advice on board in developing our own strategy. We must carefully weigh the investment against the likely impact in terms of improved outcomes.
How do we measure the effectiveness of Pupil Premium funding?
We track the progress and attainment of all our pupils termly and we compare our Pupil Premium pupils to our non-Pupil Premium pupils. Analysis of pupils’ progress is essential. We identify any barriers to learning and devise strategies to overcome these to meet the needs of all learners who are at risk of not achieving their potential.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about Pupil Premium funding and how it is used, please contact the Head Teacher.