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Play Leaders
Welcome to the Play Leaders! Our Play Leaders are an essential part of our school community, dedicated to providing a fun and safe playtime for all students. As Play Leaders, our students organise games, ensuring that everyone who wants to play has a friend to join in.
Our Play Leaders also take care of the play equipment, ensuring that it is safely and tidily put away after each playtime. They report any broken toys or equipment to ensure that it can be fixed or replaced promptly.
Our Play Leaders understand the importance of playtime for children’s social and emotional development. They strive to create a positive and inclusive environment for all students to play and have fun. They are also great role models, demonstrating good sportsmanship, leadership, and responsibility.
High Five Times
Welcome to High Five Times! Our Pupil Newsletter is a student-led group that is responsible for creating monthly reports on current events and activities at our school. These reports include sporting events, reflections, trips, productions, and units of learning.
Our Newsletter reporters conduct interviews with staff and students to get their opinions on recent events within the school, providing a well-rounded perspective on what is happening at KEPS. They also inform our community about upcoming events that are taking place and report on what other student-led groups, such as ECO and Council, have been doing in school.
Our Pupil Newsletter team values feedback and strives to create a newsletter that reflects the interests and concerns of the school community. They send out a sheet each month for classes to complete, allowing students and teachers to provide feedback and suggest topics for future editions.
In addition to their regular reporting, our High Five team also believes in highlighting the accomplishments of our staff members. They have created a “Teacher Feature” segment where they fairly select a different staff member each week to present in assembly, providing recognition and appreciation for their hard work.
Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our Pupil Newsletter team, who keep us informed and up-to-date on all the happenings at KEPS!

Eco Team
Welcome to the Eco-Team! Our Eco-Team is made up of dedicated and enthusiastic students who are committed to making a positive impact on our school environment and beyond. As members of the Eco-Team, our students attend regular team meetings and serve as positive role models to their peers. They take great pride in looking after our school environment and promoting recycling throughout the school.
Our Eco-Team members also take part in regular gardening activities, such as planting trees and wildflowers, that benefit the whole school. They work cooperatively with other school ambassadors to fundraise and lead eco-initiatives across the school. Our students promote and model being energy-efficient and water savers, engaging in school competitions like The Green Flag award.