Welcome to F1 at KEPS

15 hours Entitlement
We offer all 3 and 4 year olds 15 hours per week. This is available Monday to Friday either Morning Sessions 8:40am-11:40am, or Afternoon Sessions 12:25pm – 3:25pm. This allocation is dependent on places available at the time of admission.
30 hours Extended Entitlement
We also offer 30 hours of Funded Entitlement to some 3 and 4 year olds, this is dependent on eligibility.
These 30-hour sessions run Monday to Thursday 8:40am – 3:20pm and Friday morning 8:40am- 12:20pm.
We only have a limited number of 30-hour spaces and these are allocated on a first come basis.
Parents can check if they qualify and apply for the extended entitlement at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk You will be given an eligibility code which must be submitted to the school for verification the term before they wish to start. Parents are responsible for renewing their code before it expires. Children who no longer qualify for the 30 hours will be able to continue to access it until the end of a specific grace period. Following the end of their grace period the child will revert to the standard 15 hours the following term.
When can my child start?
A child who is 3 in: | Can start Foundation 1 from: |
Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec | January |
Jan/Feb/Mar | April |
April/May/June/July/August | September |
Admission Procedure for Foundation 1
1. Complete a “Waiting List Form”, available from the School Office. Either email to office@kingedwin.notts.sch.uk or return a copy to the School Office. There is no earliest date this can be completed.
2. You will receive a reply confirming we have received your form and your child is now on the waiting list. Please contact the School Office if your contact details change.
3. Your next point of contact will be approximately 3 months before their start date inviting you into school for a meeting to discuss transition.
4. You will receive a home visit the month before their start date where a Foundation teacher will meet your child, get to know them and discuss any personal concerns or questions you may have. This is an informal visit and helps the child to feel at ease.
5. During the first week of the term we hold a play and stay session where parents/carers come with their child to explore their new Foundation environment, greet their key worker and begin to get to know other children who will be also be starting.
6. Over the next few days the children will start a few at a time (staggered start) to ensure a smooth transition into Foundation at King Edwin Primary School.
The allocation of places for our Foundation 1 class is based on the Waiting List Forms when they were completed, and children are admitted by age (of due start) until the unit is full.
We currently can take 22 children for morning sessions, 22 children for afternoon sessions and 13 children for 30 hours.
In order to follow this procedure, the deadline for new applicants will be 3 months prior to their start date. Any applications after this date will be admitted if spaces are still available.
Admissions are arranged by the Foundation One lead and Office Staff.
If families do not meet the eligibility criteria for the extended 30 hours of free childcare, they may pay for additional hours over and above the initial 15 hours. Details of our current charges can be discussed with our Office Staff.
PLEASE NOTE: Being allocated a place in Foundation 1 at King Edwin Primary School does not guarantee a school place in Foundation 2, this is required through Nottinghamshire County Council. Usually the application process for this begins in the November before your child is due to start the following September.