The Foundation Team would like to welcome you to our Foundation Stage page, here you’ll find information about our phonics, what is needed for PE days, homework and the all-important weekly challenges for each half term. We plan our units of learning using quality texts, children’s interests and subjects that will enable us to cover the EYFS learning objectives.
Foundation One:
Mrs Hart
Miss Trolley (part-time)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Janaway
Miss Hallam
Foundation Two
Mrs Sharp
Mrs Stafford
Miss Maude
Miss Farrow
Teaching Assistants and Support Staff:
Mrs Porter, Miss Wright, Miss York
Key information:
F1 send a newsletter each half term via email and Tapestry.
F2 send weekly newsletters via email and Tapestry.
Foundation One:
In F1 we have 6 exciting units of learning.
- Who am I?
- When is bedtime?
- Who can I ask for help?
- Where is the Troll?
- How does your garden grow?
- Are frogs slimy?
Our current unit of learning is ‘Who am I?‘ Where we will be learning all about ourselves and our family. We will be exploring our new setting using our sensors. You will find our Newsletter below.
Foundation Two:
In F2 we have a further 6 exciting units of learning.
- What makes me a ‘King Edwinner’?
- What happens at this time of year?
- What can we see around us?
- Is the Big Bad Wolf really bad?
- Where does food come from?
- What is changing around us?
Our current unit of learning is ‘Where does food come from?’ Please find below the homework and knowledge organisers for this half term.
16.9.24 F2 Knowledge Organiser
Reading (Foundation two)
Could we please remind you to read with your child at home and write in their reading diary. Feel free to leave any comments about your child’s reading. Only one entry per day, please.
In school, we enjoy daily story time and also use “The Power of Reading” to study texts in great depth. You will find out about this in our newsletters.
Books will be changed, on Monday, your child will leave their reading diary and ‘Rocket Phonics’ book at school. These books are expected to be read to parents/ carers, read to me books. If your child has read the books given many times, please enjoy any books you have at home. However, there are considerable benefits in enjoying the same story over and over again.
Children will also take home a ‘reading-for-pleasure’ book from our library, these books are for you to read to your child, read with me books.
TAPESTRY is used in F1 & F2.
This is an online journal to record all of the learning and fun of children’s early years education. You can follow this link to log in
Please ensure that you have activated your child’s account.
We would love it if you could upload any WOW moments from home and we will do the same at school. This will help us to build up a unique picture of your child throughout their time in the foundation stage. At the end of your child’s time in F1/F2, you will be prompted to download the ‘Journal’ as a keepsake for yourself and your child.
Phonics is taught daily, each class has a phonics display and a phonics area that show what we have been learning. These displays are interactive and activities available for children to use to consolidate learning.
Foxes and Badgers will learn a selection of phonemes each week. We teach the letter names as well as the sounds (phonemes) that they make. We teach correct letter formation as we introduce each letter.
Physical Education & Forest School
In Foundation Two, PE is every Monday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.
Please make sure that all items of clothing are labelled. Earrings must be removed on PE days & Forest School days, staff cannot remove children’s earrings so can you please ensure that this is done at home before the child comes to school.
Forest school in F1 is on Wednesday. Please send your child to school ready, in Forest School-appropriate clothing, with some shoes in a bag to change into later on.
Forest school will take place on Thursday afternoon in F2. Please send your child to school with a labelled bag containing their named waterproof clothing and footwear if they have them (we have spares where needed).
In the winter you may also wish to send your child with extra clothing such as thermals, hats, gloves, scarf, extra layers, etc.
Parent Helpers
We are always very grateful for any time you can spare to come in and help in Foundation. You could support with baking, cutting out, reading, playing games, anything. If you have any special talents that may be of benefit to the children please come and see a member of staff. Parent helpers play a big part in a lot of the activities that we offer at school and sometimes if we haven’t got enough the activities can’t go ahead.
Online Platforms
We have various online platforms available for your child to use in F1 and F2.
you will be given a log in for Teams. It is also used for messages and other areas of communication. Please DO NOT use Teams for personal/general queries, please email the teachers directly.
You will be given a login for Doodle Maths so that your child can play at home. We award stickers, certificates, trophies and prizes for the ‘top doodlers’. It is fun and educational so please ensure your child uses it daily if possible.
You will be given a login for Purple Mash so that your child can play at home. We award stickers & certificates for work completed. This is often used for homework challenges.
Peace of Mind
We know that starting school can be daunting and understand that each child and every family situation is unique. If you have any worries or concerns please talk to your child’s class teacher or speak to Mrs Sharp/Mrs Stafford as our Foundation Stage Coordinators.
Please email or
Do you have any ideas for this page? Please let us know.
What is a digital education platform?
A digital learning platform is an integrated set of interactive services that gives teachers, parents, learners, and administrators information, tools, and resources, to enhance educational delivery and management. When it is used correctly, it can improve the quality of teaching and learning.
Access to online learning resources has triggered a revolution in classroom settings. E-learning has become an invaluable resource to educators and classroom teachers, harnessing a new model of knowledge sharing wherein students possess the tools to learn at their own pace.
Here at King Edwin Primary School, we use a variety of different learning platforms and resources in order to aid our children on their learning journeys…
Click on the links below to access one of our learning platforms:
NACE/nrich Ambassador Project:
We are hugely proud to be apart of the NACE (National Association for More Able Children in Education) and nrich Ambassador Project, Lead by Mr Bandy.
NACE is recognised both nationally and internationally as a leading charity in the field of education for able learners. They provide guidance, support and training, enabling teachers to attain the best from able learners in the everyday classroom, whilst enabling all learners to flourish and achieve.
NRICH is an innovative collaboration between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at the University of Cambridge, part of the University’s Millennium Mathematics Project.
NRICH provides thousands of free online mathematics resources for ages 3 to 18, covering all stages of early years, primary and secondary school education – completely free and available to all.
They aim to:
- Enrich and enhance the experience of the mathematics curriculum for all learners
- Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Offer challenging, inspiring and engaging activities
- Show rich mathematics in meaningful contexts
- Work in partnership with teachers, schools and other educational settings to share expertise
Success is defined in different ways by different end-users. Children want to feel a sense of progression and be credited by their teachers, parents and peers. Parents want their children to become more confident in a subject they they may have been more anxious about previously…
DoodleMaths is proven to significantly raise standards in mathematics.
This is also the case for DoodleTables – an app that allows your child(ren) to practice their times tables at home as part of their extended learning.
Please ask for more details at the school office.
In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so.
This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 12,000 schools – both primary and secondary – worldwide.
Doodle English & Doodle Spell.
DoodleEnglish works using the same adaptive technology – Proxima™ – that drives DoodleMaths. These algorithms identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses and construct a work program based around them. But this isn’t the only way they have innovated: they have made the most of the touchscreen, going far beyond the standard multiple choice questions offered by their competitors. They know that children learn through doing, not watching; that if we allow them to choose what they study, they will not choose what will progress them; and that children’s confidence and engagement in maths (indeed any subject) comes from a child’s sense of success, improvement, progression – not from turning it into a video game.
Purple Mash is the new creative online space from 2Simple. Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day. From poems to newspapers, masks and 3D models, animations and textured paintings, Purple Mash can support your creative curriculum throughout the year. As Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime. Each user receives an individual login to save and retrieve their work.
Other useful resources:
Wild Maths – explore, imagine, experiment, create!
Mathematics is a creative subject. It involves spotting patterns, making connections, and finding new ways of looking at things. Creative mathematicians play with ideas, draw pictures, have the courage to experiment and ask good questions.
Wild Maths is a collection of mathematical games, activities and stories, encouraging you to think creatively. We’ve picked out some of our favourites below – have a go at anything that catches your eye. If you want to explore games, challenges and investigations linked by some shared mathematical areas, click on the Pathways link in the top menu.
Happy exploring!
(Wild Maths is part of the family of programmes, including NRICH and Plus, within the Millennium Mathematics Project at the University of Cambridge)