Key Information

Sports Funding

King Edwin Primary School-53

The government has committed to funding the primary school Sports Premium up until 2024 – an investment worth £750 million.

Purpose of the funding

The funding can only be spent on improving provision of P.E. and sport in schools, though schools can choose how they do this, including:

  • Employing specialist P.E. teachers or sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers to improve teaching skills
  • Provision of new or additional after school sports clubs or coaching during school time
  • Materials or training time for teacher professional development
  • Participation/running sports competitions or increasing participation in school games
  • Participation in competitions between schools

Impact of the funding at King Edwin

We recognise that P.E. and sport plays a crucial part in our children’s well-being and in helping them to lead a healthy lifestyle, not only now but in the future as young adults. We also believe that engagement in meaningful sport has a positive influence on other areas of school life such as attitudes, self-esteem, leadership and academic achievement.

The P.E. and sport funding enables us to…

  • Employ a specialist P.E. coach to work alongside staff to develop teacher and pupil skills
  • improve skills progression, ability and enjoyment
  • raise the profile of sport in the curriculum
  • improve participation rates in clubs and sporting competitions
  • provide coaching in different sports including cricket, tennis, rugby and multi skills.
  • participate in cross school events such as multi-sports, athletics, football, & tag & touch rugby
  • provide a after school multi sports club coach, and football club