
Year Six

On our Year 6 page, you will find information about our current units of learning, homework, learning challenge questions, PE kit requirements, as well as any other
information you may need.

In Year 6, we cover 6 engaging and interesting units of learning:

Autumn 1:

How did the British civil war impact on the UK as we know it today?

Civil War Knowledge Organiser

Living Things And Their Habitats – Science – Knowledge Organiser

Sculptures – Art – Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 Autumn 1 Bingo Homework

Autumn 2:

To what extent is industry responsible for climate change?

Climate Change Autumn 2

Electricity – Science – Knowledge Organiser

Motorised Vehicle – DT – Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 Autumn 2 Bingo Homework

Spring 1:

What impact did WW1 and WW2 have on ordinary people in Nottinghamshire?

WW1 & WW2 History Knowledge Organiser

Evolution Knowledge Organiser

Drawing Art Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 Spring 1 Bingo Homework

Spring 2:

How has Europe been redrawn and what impact does it have on Europe as a whole?

Light Knowledge Organiser

Redrawing Of Europe Spring 2

Summer 1:

History: What was the impact of immigration on Britain over the past 100 years?

Impact Of Immigration Summer 1

Animals Including Humans – Circulatory System – Science Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2:

I’m a year 6 pupil, how can I get out of here?

Geography Maps Knowledge Organiser

Meet the Teaching Staff

Mr Worrall – Little John (6JW)

Miss Hawkins – Sheriff of Nottingham (6SH)

We are also fortunate to be supported by:

Mrs Glover

Mrs Skennerton

Mr Kirkwood (Sports Coach)

Mrs Willis (Language and Music Expert)


Every week, we expect the pupils to complete their homework on the three Doodle platforms: Doodle Maths, Doodle English and Doodle Spellings (these will be called ‘Assignments’ when logging onto these platforms).


In addition to Doodle, we expect the pupils to be reading at least 4 times a week and learning their weekly spellings. During the Spring Term, pupils will get the chance to take home some old SAT papers to practice. Please ensure these are back in school on Fridays where we will go through the answers and help address any misconceptions the children might have been having.

PE Days

This term, the children will need their PE kits in school for a Tuesday and Thursday. We suggest the children bring their kit in at the beginning of the week and leave it in school.

PE Kit:

We ask the children to bring fleeces and jogging trousers as well as outdoor footwear (if required during the colder months of the year), as the children will have an indoor and an outdoor session each week. This should include:

  • White T-shirt
  • Navy shorts (indoor PE)
  • Plimsolls/trainers
  • Navy or black tracksuit top and bottoms (for colder weather)

Key Dates:

9th October – Trip to Newark Civil War Museum

18th December- Year 5/6 Carol Concert at St Mary’s Church

12th – 15th May 2025 – Year 6 SAT Tests Week

Sunday 8th June – Wednesday 11th June 2025 – PGL

Early Bird Reading

Early Bird Reading takes place in both the Year 6 classrooms on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Please come and join us at 8.50 – 9.00 and listen to your child read.

School Diary

Pupils will be receiving a new school diary. This will be complete with important school information and can be used as a point of contact between parents and teachers. These diaries will be checked on a weekly basis. It is therefore the children’s responsibility to have them in school every day. Please feel free to comment on the reading children are doing at home. We encourage all parents to make a note of children’s reading as prizes will be awarded at the end of each half-term.

Reading is Fundamental. In fact, it is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be.

Reading develops the brain, provides a window into the world around you and helps you do better in all school subjects. We recommend that children are heard for at least fifteen minutes each night and notes to be made in their planners.