“To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” – Department for Education.
We will actively challenge pupils, staff, parents and Governors expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including “extremist” views.
Woven throughout our school are our Values of the Half Term. Our Monday assemblies explore these values further and all staff look out for, and reward, pupils who are displaying the value during the half term.
Our High 5 Values are:
Respect , Determination, Excellence, Creativity and Good Choices – These values are embedded into our ethos and culture at KEPS.
Democracy is an important part of life and learning at King Edwin. Class rules are discussed and agreed upon in classes at the start of the year, as well as class jobs throughout the year. We democratically elect our school councillors every year, in every class from Year 1 to Year 6. These councillors shape the school with the Head Teacher and decide on important issues. Our KEPS Curriculum allows the children to decide what they would like to learn about their topic. We explicitly study democracy in our Year 2 unit of learning ‘What does it mean to be British?’, Year 4 unit of learnings ‘The Greeks’ and in year 5 they study ‘Inspiring Leaders’ as part of RE. Our PSHE and circle times also promote democracy. In Early Years, and older children at designated times, children can have child initiated time where they can decide for themselves what they would like to choose.
The Rule of Law
The rule of Law is an essential part of life at King Edwin, as it is in the wider community and all of Britain. Children agree to their class rules, as well as the school rules, which are upheld by the behaviour and sanctions systems we have in place. All our staff have had regular safeguarding training and recent training on behaviour management. We have a full complement of teaching staff and a good range of experiences amongst our teaching assistant team. At lunchtime, our Midday Supervisors are also committed to engaging in positive relationships with the children and supporting the school’s behaviour policy. We use external providers to supplement our provision, with Child line and e-safety sessions. We also regularly have the emergency services to visit, when appropriate. Within PSHE and circle time sessions, the rule of law is further explored.
Individual Liberty
Throughout learning, PSHE and circle time, as well as all sessions, we encourage our children to have an opinion and to justify it. We do this through debate and discussions, as well as giving pupils choices where possible and extra-curricular activities. Our school productions and talent shows promote individual liberty too. Our homework is a Bingo style choice which reflects the unit of learning being taught that half term. We celebrate the languages and cultures of our pupils during our languages day.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
Our RE lessons explicitly explore and promote mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths. We encourage visits and visitors to deepen this understanding. Our topics throughout the school explore different cultures and beliefs. Our assemblies are also multi-faith in their content. Friendship is a huge part of childhood and something we value deeply at King Edwin. Our annual anti-bullying (Friendship) week promotes this further. Year Five explore ‘Inspiring Leaders’ as part of the RE curriculum